Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Birth of Jodee's Gift Shop

Happy Tuesday morning to all you bloggers! The creation of Jodee's Gift Shop is almost done. Well I guess it will never be done, I will be adding products and updating the site often. But the main skeleton is finished.

Tomorrow is my husband's birthday. Since my family has a tradition of opening the birthday gifts the night before the big day, my husband has grasp the idea and follows along with us. Which means he is probably setting at work today wondering what I have found for him this year.

I need to go to the grocery store in a while to pick up a cake mix and frosting to make his birthday cake. He has requested a white cake with cream cheese frosting. Sounds like a simple cake, but maybe I'll add some decorations to the top to spice it up a little.

Well off to the store I go! What are you up to today? Have a bloggerific day!
